Persephone's Choice
[Note Cards and Poster Prints are Available in the Shop]
So much can be said about the myth of Persephone and the symbols contained within. Like many others, I have been fascinated by the story of Persephone for a very long time. As I grow and change, so do the symbols and meanings that I find within the myth.
This art piece is one that percolated for a couple of years, but the specifics of the illustration recently hit me over the head while I was sitting in traffic of all places. This piece is layered with meaning and personal significance. It draws from my personal thoughts and interpretations of the Eleusinian Mysteries via ritual theatre, The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, Persephone Unveiled by Charles Stein, The Labyrinth by Catherine M. Valente, my role as a parent and mother, and the constant change and evolution within my personal life and creative work.
Since my creative work so often centers on myths and the ebb and flow of the year, the following quote from The Hero with a Thousand Faces sticks in the forefront of my mind. The author delves into the reasons that people revisit, retell, and add their own creative voice to the myths:
"...while all stories have already been told, this is not a bad thing, since the retelling is still necessary. And while our own life's journey must always be ended alone, the travel is undertaken in the company not only of immediate loved ones and primal passion, but of the heroes and heroines—and myth-cycles—that have preceded us."