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The oaks and the pines, and their brethren of the wood, have seen so many suns rise and set, so many seasons come and go, and so many generations pass into silence, that we may well wonder what the story of the trees would be to us if they had tongues to tell it, or ears fine enough for us to understand.
I have oft revisited trees in my work—from Yggdrasil the World Tree, to roots, branches, leaves, and dryads (tree spirits).
The oaks and the pines, and their brethren of the wood, have seen so many suns rise and set, so many seasons come and go, and so many generations pass into silence, that we may well wonder what the story of the trees would be to us if they had tongues to tell it, or ears fine enough for us to understand.
I have oft revisited trees in my work—from Yggdrasil the World Tree, to roots, branches, leaves, and dryads (tree spirits).
In Moss-Deep Forests
Forsaken Leaf of Shadow and Flame
Leaf I
Summer Solstice
Autumn Rustlings
Bramble Patch
Kraneiai, Spirit of the Cherry Tree
October's Oak
The Oak Queen